Saturday, April 30, 2005

thank you...

I thought that I could always count on you
I thought that nothing could become between us two
We said as long as we would stick together
We’d be alright
We’d be ok

But I was stupid
And you broke me down
I’ll never be the same again
So thank you for showing me
That best friends cannot be trusted
And thank you for lying to me
Your friendship, the good times we had
You can have them back

I wonder why it always has to hurt
For every lesson that you have to learn
I won’t forget what you did to me
How you showed me things I wished I’d never see

When the tables turn again
You’ll remember me my friend
You’ll be wishing I was there for you
I’ll be the one you miss the most
But you’ll only find my ghost
As time goes by
You’ll wonder why
You’re all alone

Sunday, April 24, 2005


i said to her
dun leave me

i said to her
always be with me

i said to her
dont close your eyes

i said to her
dont sleep too long

i said to her
dont stop talking

i said to her
look at me

i said to her
say you always love me

i said to her
don't leave daddy

i said to her
forgive me

i said to her
don't say goodbye

Don't leave me,,
Don't die..
But Mummy left,
Eyes closed peacefully,,,

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

selamat tinggal kenangan...

dengan hati yang gembira
aku melangkah megah menuju ke A & R
dengan rasa syukur aku bergegas mengisi borang
dalam hati tuhan saja yang tahu
betapa gembira akhirnya
tamat pengajian

kali terakhir aku melangkah ke finance division
kali terakhir aku melangkah ke perpustakaan
kali terakhir aku melangkah ke mahallah safiyyah
kali terakhir juga aku melangkah ke security division

dalam kegembiraan pada wajah yang aku pamerkan
tiba-tiba terasa satu perasaan yang mengharukan
seluruh tubuhku rasa kaku
anak tekakku kering dan terus membisu

aku melihat ke kiri
aku melihat ke kanan
lalu aku tunduk
menahan pilu dan sendu
selamat tinggal kenangan....

hati ku bagai dirobek tatkala kakak secutity dengan tidak menahan menggunting card matrik ku,,,huaaaaaaaaa......kad matrik dah kena potong,,,,,sedih la pulak,,,,,IIUM, adakah kau akan merinduiku tatkala aku mengharungi dunia pekerjaan? perkahwinan? kekeluargaan? kematian? walaupun tiada jawapan yang pasti, namun aku pasti akan merinduimu IIUM....heheheh,,

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Alhamdulillah, syukur pada Allah..

Kehadapan Mu ya Allah, aku mengucap syukur
Kehadapan Mu ya Allah, aku memohon ampun
Kehadapan Mu ya Allah, aku berdoa
Kehadapan Mu ya Allah, aku berharap
Kehadapan Mu ya Allah, aku berusaha

Kadangkala aku alpa pada dunia yang sementara
Kadangkala aku leka memuji mumuja dunia
Kadangkala aku putus asa dengan kegagalan yang ada
Kadangkala aku marah dengan kekurangan yang tersedia

Namun aku kembali pasrah dengan ketentuan Mu
Namun aku kembali yakin dengan janji janji Mu
Namun aku kembali setia pada kasih sayang Mu
Namun aku kembali cinta pada agama Mu

Ya Allah Kau Maha Pemurah, limpahkanlah rezekiMu padaku
Ya Allah Kau Maha Penyayang, selimutilah aku dengan kasih sayangMu
Ya Allah Kau Maha Pengampun, maafkanlah dosa dosaku
Ya Allah Kau Maha Pembimbing, pimpinilah aku ke jalan yang benar

Aku manusia biasa
Penuh dengan kekurangan
Penuh dengan nafsu dan godaan
Ada kalanya aku leka
Ada kalanya aku terlupa
Namun Kau sentiasa ada
Namun Kau sentiasa menerima

Kepadamu Ya Allah
Sedaya upayaku agamu kupelihara
Kepadamu Ya Allah
Seadanya kasih sayangku ku beri padamu
Kepadamu Ya Allah
Aku cuba tidak leka
Kepadamu Ya Allah
Ku kupanjatkan setinggi tinggi syukur

These words are my own, lahir dari ujung jantung, pinggir hati, thanks to Allah, ive passed my exams, thanks to Allah, ive managed to grad, thanks to Allah, i'm still alive,,thank you Allah

big frustration

today supposely the result for sem 2 2004/2005 was out but it turned to be another way round..oh god, ive waited patiently for today's result and got damnly frustrated by the system network of iium,,last thursday, some of the students got access to their result in the morning for dunno what reasons and there were speculations about this issue,,,today on the other hand, result suppose to be out at 4.30pm but now its already 8.30pm,,,this one result will determine my future because it is indeed my last semester result,,i really wanna know whether i have to resit any papers,,god only knows how scared i am rite now n how this big frustration impact my whole mood today,,Later....

Monday, April 18, 2005

Popular Weight Loss Myths

Dieting and weight loss is a subject filled with myths, half-truths and inaccuracies. Here are some of the more common fallacies about losing weight.

Weight Loss Myth 1. Being Overweight is Unhealthy
This is not true. Being overweight may be unfashionable but it's not necessarily unhealthy.
The Truth: Being overweight is not necessarily unhealthy, indeed there is evidence that people who are up to 10 pounds overweight actually live longer than those of normal weight. It is only when we become seriously overweight or 'obese' that our health begins to suffer. Another important factor is where we carry our excess weight. For example, an obese man who carries his excess weight around his middle is more vulnerable to disease than an obese man whose excess weight is distributed more widely. Finally, exercise has a very important influence on longevity and quality of life.

Weight Loss Myth 2. Dieting Doesn't Work
This is probably the biggest myth of all. Losing weight is a very scientific matter. If we eat fewer calories than we use, our body takes some of our stored fat and converts it into energy. Result? We lose weight.
The Truth: Any diet plan that provides us with fewer calories than we need, is guaranteed to help us lose weight. However, whether we follow it is another matter.

Weight Loss Myth 3. Losing Weight Means Eating Small Portions
We are all brainwashed into thinking that losing weight or dieting means eating tiny portions. But it's not true. Because some foods contain a lot more calories than others. For example, one small pastry can be higher in calories than a whole plateful of chicken, potatoes and vegetables.
The Truth: Losing weight means eating fewer calories than we need. However, by choosing foods which are low in calories (and taking regular exercise) we can often lose weight WITHOUT eating less. In fact, sometimes we can actually eat MORE.

Weight Loss Myth 4. We Can Lose Weight From Specific Parts of our body
This is not true.
The Truth: When we start a weight loss plan and eat fewer calories than we need, our body burns fat from all available fat stores, not just from particular parts. We cannot control this process. If a diet claims to help you lose weight from (e.g.) your thighs only, don't believe it!

Weight Loss Myth 5. Some People are Fat even Though They Eat Next to Nothing
It's true that we may gain weight even though we don't seem to eat very much. Why? Because each of us uses up calories at a slightly different rate, according to our metabolism or metabolic rate. Also, certain foods are very calorie-dense. So even though we eat like a sparrow, we can still weigh like an elephant! Also, studies suggest that when we are overweight we tend to underestimate our calorie intake.
The truth: Unless we have a specific medical condition, the reason we become overweight is because we are eating more calories than we use. The unused calories are then stored as fat.

Weight Loss Myth 6. Certain Foods Can Help us Burn Fat
Many diets claim that certain foods (e.g. pineapple, grapefruit etc.), or food combinations (e.g. beetroot & ice-cream etc.) have a magic fat-burning ingredient. Some 'weight loss experts' actually promote fat-burning diets.
The truth: There are no magical fat-burning foods or diets. Period.

Weight Loss Myth 7. Late Night Eating Leads to Weight Gain
Our body metabolises food in the same way, whether it's midday or midnight. So late-night eating is no more likely to damage your weight loss or lead to weight gain, than mid-morning eating.
The truth: It's not WHEN you eat that counts - it's WHAT you eat. So although eating high-calorie foods like cookies, ice cream and cakes in front of the TV can lead to weight gain, this is because of the high-calorie nature of the foods, not because it's late in the evening.

Weight Loss Myth 8. People are Overweight Because They Don't Exercise
This is not really true, either. It is true that lack of exercise is a contributory factor to a general rise in weight and obesity. Also, exercise is also extremely important for our health and for it's indirect effects on our weight. It burns calories, builds muscle and reduces our body fat percentage - which helps us burn calories faster.
Even so, it's worth remembering that you need to walk 80 kilometers (50 miles) to lose 1 pound of fat. And a vigorous 60-minute fitness workout in the gym is unlikely to burn off more than 600 calories - the equivalent of only two 2-ounce bars of chocolate. So exercise (or lack of it) does not have a huge direct influence on our weight.
The truth: The single biggest cause of obesity is bad eating habits. The majority of people become obese because they eat too many fattening foods, and as a result ingest too many calories.

taken from

it hurts when reminded..

if i could runaway, i would..
it hurts when reminded..

if i could just stop thinking of you, i would,..
it hurts when reminded..

if i could turn the hands of time, i would...
it hurts when reminded,,

if i could just forget you, i would,
it hurts when reminded,,

if i could see you one more time and tell you i hate you, i would,.
it hurts when reminded..

if i could just stare at you once and say why i love you, i would,,
it hurts when reminded,,

if i could, i would,
it hurts when reminded,,,,,

Sunday, April 17, 2005

lovely evening at O.U

yesterday, 16th of April 2005, there was a class gathering( 5 ikhlas, class of 99),,eventually the meeting was planned by syaril syamirza..well, it was quite a luvly evening though just a few of us turned up last nite,,at first the plan was to meet at coffee bean at 8pm and decide where to eat dinner,, but the plan changed, after all only 5 of them were there..i already knew abt the gathering on thursday..well, i planned with my girlfrens to surprise syaril n the gang there,,so i said to him that i was not coming,,when we arrived at o.u, raihan called syaril n pretended as if she knew nuttin abt the reunion n she said she will try to come later,,n then, imm called syaril to ask where were they at that that point of, we just pop in at chilis n surprised them,,,surprise ke diorang? emm tak tau la kan..only 9 of us turned up...syaril, eugene,edrian,kenneth,yuen, im, an, fiza n me..nuttin much that can be talked abt basically the reunion was to update evryone's life,career,gossips,,,hehheh..edrian, working already as an engineer at JVC, kenneth as an engineer at ericson, yuen handling his father's jaguar business, eugene as real estate negotiator, enjoying his life waking up at 9 evry morning n sightseeing around ampang valley...( rite eugene??)...well, we managed to take some pictures of us infront of chilis n it was a really memorable evening..we will keep in touch from now on n hope to see each other more frequent in the future...insya Allah..thats all for now,,daaa

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Behind those glasses...I love you??

Mr M
Behind those glasses,
U are shy and sensitive,
Behind those glasses,
U are smart and intelligent,
Behind those glasses,
I adore u, I admire u,
Behind those glasses,
I knew I love u

Mr D
Behind those glasses,
U greated me with warm n tender hello,
Behind those glasses,
U reached me as a loving mentor,
Behind those glasses,
U showed me true meaning of life,
Behind those glasses,
I have always love u

Mr A
Behind those glasses,
U taught me how to love,
Behind those glasses,
U gave me chance to breathe,
Behind those glasses,
U gave me hopes and dreams,
Behind those glasses,
U channelled your pain to me,
Behind those glasses,
I am sorry that I ever love u,
Behind those glasses,
I would say “thank you...”

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

wonderful holiday..

on the 11th until 13th april, i went to pd and melaka for vacation with my lovely frens, ashie( asma ), izza,raihan and sena,,guess we were damn bored n need some fresh cool air to breathe again after having go through the final exams which i think quite devastating n horrible n frustrating,,hahah, tak baca memanglah kan,,.so, we stayed at ancasa allsuites resort at telok kemang in pd..the place was so nice n comfortable,,thanks to my sister for booking that wonderful place for us,,murah laktuh die kasi diskaun,,hehe, love u sis!!2 nites 3 days, apartment allsuites= rm 100....overwhelming? heheh..nutting much activities we did there, basically just relaxing ourselves, gossiping,masing2 emotional giler bila tgk citer melayu,,karaoke but dalam bilik je lakan,,( sena nyanyi lagu awie jiwang giler sbb tak dapat pegi karaoke kat bawah,,hahha)..we watched single white female n evrybodys enjoying screaming especially me la kan,,,i also brought my ps2 n we all gamble main gilir2, me playing mr incredible, not that skilled la ha,,sena main simpson langgar anak2 org tepi jalan, n raihan main inspector gadget, tak kelaka laktuh die terbang2 langgar tiang,,,hehe,,swimming??? emm, having shocked by the tsunami news, basically we were not allowed by our love ones to swim,,erkk, but i just cant help looking at the water, me, sena n raihan were swimming emotionally n hepily ,,,hahah, siap buat ballet lagi!!n on the last nite there, sumthing bad hepened to us especially to ashie,,,ash, this is for u: rupa kamu yang cantik, hidung kamu yg mancung( ade ke?) MATA KAMU YG BULAT....hahhaha,, we all kena ngorat giler2 nye ngn this one group yg dah tua tak sedar diri!! we were so damn mad that nite especially me coz hilang selera makan OK?? dari sampai datang sampai abis makan this group never stop yelling n gataling at us,,unfortunately, ash was directly facing them, so lagi teruk la kan,,haiyoo,,ape punya manusia la diorang ni, tak beradab,,people around us pon tak sedap duduk tau, kesian diorang, us apatah lagi,, yg sedihnya ketua pak ngorat tu tempang!! ha, percaya tak? at first kitorang simpati tgk keadaan die, rupa2nya die>>>>>>> huhhh,,,that particular incident took our mood away, seriously marah!!! we all dun have the guts to response coz takut kena kejar, yelah kan, girls, how strong we are pon, kalah jugak dgn kekuatan n kuasa lelaki,,sumtimes la not all the time aaaaa...kitorang sempat tgk sunset yg amat2lah lawa n gorgeous,,emm kuasa tuhan kan,,langit, bumi, awan, sumenya ade keistimewaan yg tersendiri,,alamak yg tak bestnye tak sempat naik banana boat la, well if we have the chance pon, god i'm scared la,,kang terjatuh dlm laut yg besar tu kang, abihla gue...we went to melaka on the 13th antar sena kat umah die,,well her mother cooked lunch for us, although it was a simple meal, but sume2 org tambah dua kali ek especially izza,,fuyoo pertama kali nampak die makan banyak, salunya hampeh nak suh dia makan nasi,,well, ternyata la makan masakan umah n tangan ibu tu memang tak de tolok bandingan la dengan yg lain,,kasi la hotel 5 star pun, tak dpat tanding masakan ibu, i can guarantee that..thanks sena 4 d lovely treat,,plus the cencalok kan, aku nak bayar ko tanak pulak ek,,ape nih, tak paham bahase kut, org mintak tlg belikan, bukan bagi free,,jaga ko, aku masukkan duit dlm akaun ko nanti,,hahah padan muka,,that was all abt it,,my lovely, simple, short break with sena, izza,an n u guys,,masing2 lepas ni go different n separate ways, hope our memories together wil stay fresh para siempre..hikhik,,take care yar..adui balik kl je pening fikirkan that i'm UNEMPLOYED,,,just hope for the best la kan,,pray for me u guys, i'll pray harder....PEACE

Sunday, April 10, 2005

once upon a sometime

sumtimes the way u look at me
looks like u r in luv
that look, my fren, would tell it all
except its not me u r thinking of

there are times when i make u laugh
u'll blush or smile or sigh
n though i know its her u like
i cant help but wonder why

n then there's times i feel so loved
when in me u do confide
but it kills me then to hear how good
she makes u feel inside

sumtimes u r in my daydreams
n i wish they would come true
n i wonder if u ever
have those daydreams, too

and although i search for answers
on my promise u can depend
although what i feel for u is love
i'll always be ur friend...........

watchout guys, frenship do turn into loveship sumtimes...will be missing to write in my blogger space!! i'm having vacation with frens at pd n melaka,,hope theres no monsun timur laut daaaa.....see yaa...

friends n fools

living in this temporary world, i really need my friends to breathe..
they are my eyes when i couldnt see, they are my ears when i couldnt hear,..
they are my voice when i couldnt talk or even whisper at all..
i try so hard each time n evry moment to give the best for my friends even if i have to sacrifice myself sumtimes,,,
they share my dreams, they share my sadness, they share my hepiness,,

but now, things change and will keep on changing evry beat n second in the future..
i learn the hard way that i cannot always count on others to respect my feelings even i respect theirs,,
being a good person doesnt guarantee that others will be a good person too,
i only have to control over myself and how to choose to be a person,,
As for others, i can only choose to accept them or walk away...

please dun mess up with me, or else u wont hear a single thing abt me nemore,,once i love, i truely love, once being fooled, goodbye then...PEACE

forgive me...

Can you forgive me again
I don't know what I said
But I didn't mean to hurt you
I heard the words come out
I felt that I would die
It hurts so much to hurt you
Then you look at me
You're not shouting anymore
You're silently broken
I'd give anything now
To kill those words for you
Each time I say something I regret
I cry, I don't want to lose you
But somehow I know that you will never leave me
Cause you were made for me
Somehow I'll make you see
How happy you make me
I can't live this life
Without you by my side
I need you to survive
So stay with me
You look in my eyes and I'm screaming inside
That I'm sorry
And you forgive me again
You're my one true friend
And I never meant to hurt you