thank god its weekends!!!
evry seconds in my life rite now im hoping towards weekends,,that tough huh?? well, i felf so much pressure working this time, duno, i am really an executive rite now, an automobile finance executive,,,first week of my working days, ive been instructed to be one of the processing and marketing executive,,they really hope that i can replace one of the talented officer that has been transferred to seremban,,,logic ke nk jadikan aku betul2 expert cam exec yg dh 8 tahun keje tu?? i dun think so in a week i can manage to do it,,at least gimme some time la...emm basically jadi processing exec ni u have to process the car loans comin in from dealers...first, check details of the customer, do all the checking abt the customers credits, personals n evrything ( jaga baik ar sape yg ade akaun kt bank nih, abih sumer aku tau, hehe) but its still P n C ( private n confidential )...then, interview the customers, this job is very difficult la, if dpt customer yg remeh temeh mati ar kena maki hamun, nk tanak, its our bank's procedures, i kena buat jugak by hook or by keruk,,,,,after that i can make by recommendations whether or not to give loans to the particular customers...basically thats it, sounds easy but its not actually....usually kalu dapat sekali 5-9 applicants each day, u can get so tired, annoyed, mad n evrything in similar meanings...belom sempat i betul2 nk master in this thing, dah ade reschedule of management, in july i need to replace a senior exec bahagian SECURITY pulak,,,DAMN la...ramai yg marah i kena tarik ke bahagian security pulak,,ehmm,,,dunno la whats goin to hepen next,,,in the mean time, buat ajelah ape2 yg disuruh, cari experiences sebanyak mana boleh,,dunno exactly what are the jobscopes in security dept pulak, wait till july la,,emm today is saturday, rase happy jer,,im enjoying evry seconds of my weekends,,although duduk2 lepak aje kat umah really helping build up my mood again,,tgk alias, dawson, doramas, emm im loving it..tapikan im starting to worry abt one thing: MY HEART IS EMPTY!! tiba2 rase like kosong n no feelings at all,..i dun have the feelings i used to have back then,,the feelings to love, to like a person,,,,maybe, theres sumthing besides all these, be patient sakura cha.....
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